The CLAT consortium has released the CLAT UG 2024 sample paper 3 on the official website. The students can access the sample paper through their login ID and password. This article gives an overview and proper analysis of what type of questions have been asked in the CLAT 2024 sample paper 3 and how to approach such questions.                                                       

  • The English section of the question paper consists of 400-450 words passage with 5 questions.
  • Source – The passage has been extracted from an online essay “ON KEEPING A NOTEBOOK “. The essay is from a non-fiction novel.
  • Level of difficulty – The level of difficulty of questions is moderate, which can be answered in no time if the approach is right.
  • Type of questions – Questions are asked on topics related to idioms, vocabulary, explaining the statement by underlining sentences from the passage.
  • The questions are very direct, and a student will be able to answer in no time if they are equipped with English topics i.e., vocabulary section and idioms and phrases.

Useful Resources for You:

Reading Comprehension for CLAT

CLAT English Questions

CLAT English Syllabus

  • The passage enumerates within it the topic of offences related to women, which are section 498A of IPC i.e., cruelty against women, prohibition of dowry, prevention of domestic violence against women, and section 125 of the CRPC in which maintenance is being discussed. The laws are explained in a very simple language.
  • Questions – the questions are very direct and to the point. The answers are directly mentioned in the passage.
  • The level of difficulty of the question is easy to moderate. If one reads the passage and the explanation properly, they will be able to give an answer easily.
  • Basically, the CLAT consortium is conveying that the level of questions is not going to be very difficult.
  • The strategy that should be followed is to practise as many legal reasoning mocks to increase the reading speed and analyse the passages properly because the level of questions is going to be easy and direct.
  • Read as many articles as possible on different topics every day to enhance reading speed.

Legal Reasoning Previous Year Paper Analysis

Legal Reasoning Passages

Legal Reasoning Questions

  • The CLAT 2024 sample paper 3 analysis gives an overview that passage is given of around 400-450 words which has been extracted from a leading daily newspaper. As usual, the consortium has adopted the practise of giving long passages in CLAT sample paper 3. So the students must attempt as many mock tests on general knowledge to improve their reading speed.
  • The type of questions that are given in CLAT sample paper 3 can be answered by someone who reads newspaper every day.
  • Topics of question – the questions are given from topics related to the hijab-ban case, love jihad, Iran parliament, noble prize winners in the past year, and on Azerbaijan issue.
  • The questions are given from leading news that have been in the headlines for a long time. So basically, the CLAT 2024 sample paper 3 analysis gives a view that students who diligently read newspapers regularly and are keeping abreast with leading editorials and news will be able to give answers very easily.
  • The CLAT sample paper 3 analysis of the general knowledge section gives an overview that the first few questions are asked only from the topic of the passage itself, and the remaining questions are asked from an international perspective of the topic. For instance, the hijab case is related to Muslim community thereby, the questions are asked about the things happening in that particular community around the world.
  • The CLAT sample paper 3 analysis makes it clear that the strategy that should be adopted by students is to keep a limited number of sources and revise as much as you can from the current affairs notes and read the newspaper daily.

Useful Resources for You:

Most Important GK Topics

CLAT General Knowledge Previous Paper Analysis

  • The CLAT consortium in the logical reasoning section of the clat exam sample paper 3 has given a passage of 350-400 words from a leading editorial of a newspaper.
  • The approach that should be adopted in dealing with the logical reasoning section is to analyse the passage word to word and understand it properly before answering the questions.
  • The type of questions that have been asked in CLAT exam sample paper 3 is related to what is the main idea of the passage and inference basis questions and particularly based on what the author is trying to argue in the passage.
  • The options given in most of the questions are direct and simple.
  • The analysis of clat sample paper 3 of the logical reasoning section gives an overview that the questions given can be answered quickly if the student has practised all the techniques and has given mocks on a regular basis. 

Logical Reasoning Previous Year Paper Analysis

CLAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus

Logical Reasoning Questions

Logical Reasoning Passages

  • The passage given in the quantitative aptitude section of CLAT sample paper 3 is of 200-300 words.
  • The level of questions is easy to moderate, and a student will be able to answer it easily if their basics are clear.
  • The CLAT sample paper 3 analysis gives an overview that the students should check every option given in the question before answering it.
  • The reading skills must be good to answer the question in less time.
  • The topic of questions that are asked in the CLAT sample paper 3 are percentage, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, Compound interest, simple interest and time, speed and distance.
  • The students whose basics are strong will be able to give the answers very easily
  • The previous CLAT sample papers tested testing presence of the mind of students.
  • The sample paper 3 test the strength of students in answering such questions.

Overall the level of CLAT sample paper 3 is easy to moderate, and the students will be able to answer it easily if the basics are clear and they are doing constant revision and practising mocks.

Useful Resources for You:

Quantitative Techniques Questions

CLAT Quantitative Techniques Syllabus

Tips to Prepare for CLAT Quantitative Techniques

Quantitative Techniques Previous Year Paper Analysis

For detailed analysis of clat sample paper 3, the link of the video is given below.

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CLAT Eligibility CriteriaCLAT Exam Pattern
CLAT Age LimitCLAT Marking Scheme
How to Prepare for CLAT?CLAT Preparation Books

Free Previous Year Papers of CLAT

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Important CLAT Questions for Practice:

CLAT Legal Reasoning QuestionsCLAT Logical Reasoning Questions
CLAT English QuestionsCLAT GK Questions

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